World’s largest outdoor swimming pool in Chile

The largest swimming pool in the world is the San Alfonso del Mar pool in Algarrobo, Chile. This amazing pool with 1013 m length, an area of around 80000 square meters and with a maximum depth of 35.1 m, contains 250 million litres (66 million US gallons) of sea-water. The water is pumped directly from the Pacific Ocean, using a computer-controlled suction and filtration system.

The gigantic man-made pool is larger than 20 Olympic-size pools. Crystal Lagoons, the creator of the pool, claims that it is six-times bigger than its closest competitor, the Orthlieb Pool in Casablanca, Morocco.

The construction of the pool had cost around $2 billion while its maintenance costs $4 million annually. Its construction was completed in December 2006.

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