X-Shaped Office Building (Deep Blue)

Deep Blue is not only a pure office space but also an open, inclusive and diversified cultural place, which bears multiple possibilities such as social interaction, entertainment, life, and learning. The project site is relatively square, with a quiet river on the west side and office buildings of different types and heights on three sides. Deep Blue is designed by GLA Design Group, based in China.







To make the best use of natural lighting, ventilation, and landscape greening, after analyzing the urban space and the streamlining of the site, the architectural form is cut three times diagonally according to the diagonal of the square (northeast-southwest). The designer carefully observed the sunshine of the site in different periods in the early investigation and also took into account the dominant wind direction of the monsoon in summer and winter in Hangzhou.







The office unit is designed into three kinds of office modules, which have a uniform 4.2m face width, 4.75m floor height, and different depths. The 4.75m floor height of each office module provides customers with the possibility of more internal variable space. The diagonal curtain wall unit and orthogonal curtain wall unit are adopted in the design, to create a unique and clean facade.











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